After three days home

Had forgotten that Stockholm is in it's prime in May. And that there's so many people I love here,  and that I do love my mom's cooking. Almost having second thoughts about the decision to fly south and walk 800 km in the heat.
But the greatest big brother in this world woke up at five and drove me to the airport and now there's no going back. I'm heading to Johan in Toulouse for a couple of days,  and then I (and my friend Tim) will start the long trail between San Sebastian and Santiago in Spain. Mountains,  ocean and the road I've dreamed about for months.
Packing has been tricky. I left the camera and everything else that could be fun or nice (including clean socks) to save weight,  but the backpack is still 3 kg more than it should be. You're supposed to carry 10 % of your bodyweight. (I've tried to gain weight but no, skinny people just have to live without torch and camera. )
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